Our services

From consulting and strategy development to implementation and support, our comprehensive services can help your business thrive.

Darton Sleeves

· Makers of the highest quality wet and dry sleeves including the MID (modular Integrated Deck) line of precision sleeve that aid in stabilizing the upper bock deck

Street and Race parts for your 944

· Dave and Mike Lindsey have been designing and fabricating street and race parts for 944 for decades. Quality parts at a reasonable price including help from people that know the cars and products

Valve Train Specialists

These guys make a full range of valves / valve springs / keepers / retainers in numerous alloys..

Suspension, brakes, speed parts

Karl at Racers Edge has been bringing in a great assortment of parts. Karl can order and sully for with many different manufactures. Also very good with suspension set up and fine tuning.

Mahle Pistons

Mahle produces some of the finest pistons in 2 or more different alloys and multiple additional performance options

Collaborative Design Services

Travis has a number of specialty items that are shout production run designs. Travis is also the leader of the 944Fest effort and in general he is a very helpful member of the 944 community

Complete Parts Services

944 online has every complete line of 944 parts, well marked and ready to go

Complete Plating Services

From concept to completion, our architecture services use the latest technology and techniques to deliver exceptional results.

Complete Crankshaft Services

Mile High Crankshaft can straighten you crank shaft, apply modifications in orfer to assist the oiling issues and provide the corrected coatings, Mile High Crank shaft can bring the worst cranks back to predamaged condition,